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5 Day Virtual Workshop

Money From The Heart


Start Your Journey

This groundbreaking 5-day experience that melds the wisdom of the Five Love Languages with the essentials of personal finance. This course is not just about managing money, it is about redefining your relationship with it. By integrating principles of care, understanding, and thoughtful communication, you'll learn how to align your financial goals with your deepest values. Each day promises a blend of practical financial strategies and enriching, interactive challenges, turning financial planning into an act of love for yourself and your future.

Embrace your Financial Love Language

Understanding your own financial love language can revolutionize your approach to money. This workshop helps you laser-focus on your financial goals, transforming aspirations into tangible achievements.

PLAN Your Success

Discover the power a Purposely Leveraged Action Now. Set clear, actionable steps for a successful journey. Tailored to your unique financial love language, this PLAN nurtures a deeper connection with your financial decisions.

Fun, Interactive Online Community

Engage in a fun and interactive 100% online community. Level up with like minded people committed to transforming their relationship with money. Dedicate just one hour a day for five days and watch yourself evolve with the support of others. 


Request This Workshop For Your Group

Whether it's a group of your closest friends, networking group, or organization, Rita offers the opportunity to host this workshop in person. The format of this workshop is subject to change in order to be presented in person, but all content will still be covered.

Put in a request today to share your groups details and someone from our team will be in touch. 

Rita Boccuzzi as your Guide

Safe Money Expert, Coach & Speaker

My mission is to empower you through financial education and to foster a transformative change in the way you perceive and interact with money.

Throughout the Money From The Heart workshop we will reshape your mindset to view money through a lens of possibility and empowerment. By breaking down complex financial concepts into accessible, actionable insights, I encourage you to adopt a positive, heart-driven approach to your financial decisions.

This workshop happens only once a quarter so be sure to attend while it's available! 


Attend Our Next Virtual Workshop

This workshop happens once every three months and has been one of our most popular and in demand workshops. With attendees for all over the U.S. and other countries such as Canada, South Africa, and Australia, this workshop welcomes anyone who is ready to improve their relationship to money.

Learn More About The Program

Read our digital brochure to get to know the program and see what's in store for this unique 5-day experience.

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1812 W. Burbank Blvd
Suite 400
Burbank, CA 91506

Five Rings Financial

I chose to be a financial professional because I believe in the importance of financial literacy and empowerment. I wanted to help serve families and business owners in America, because I believe everyone deserves access to quality financial advice and resources, regardless of their income or background. That's why I offer a range of life insurance policies designed to provide the peace of mind you deserve. Let me guide you through the process of finding the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and budget!

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Five Rings Financial

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