Love, Finance & Faith

Join The 4 Module Coaching Program

With Rita Boccuzzi

Safe Money Expert, Coach & Speaker

Access All Four Modules

Join Live Virtual Group Coaching Sessions

Level Up In Community

Program runs from April to August

Starts August 21, 2024

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Your Final Step...

Complete your financial transformation with "Love, Faith & Finance," the most comprehensive step in our program. 

This final stage encompasses a holistic approach to financial wellness, covering advanced financial planning, strategies, and the cultivation of a positive financial mindset. Designed for individuals fully committed to a thorough financial overhaul, this step provides extensive support, personalized strategies, and the knowledge needed to achieve enduring financial freedom and security.

Through Rita Boccuzzi's expert guidance, each step of the program builds upon the last, ensuring a cohesive and impactful journey towards financial mastery. Starting with the essential alignment of your mindset towards money, Rita's progressive approach ensures that you are not only prepared for but capable of implementing action steps to secure your financial well-being.


Program Overview

Here's what is in store for the Coaching Program! Be prepared to make a commitment to yourself, expect to transform over the next 16 weeks and achieve your financial aspirations.

Module 1 | Love & Money

This first module is designed for exploration to connect you with your money relationship and provide deeper insight in your mindset.

Topics Covered:

Core Values

Understand lessons that act as your launching pad to make smarter money decisions.

Belief Breakthroughs

Let go of beliefs that are not serving you around your money to elevate your money story.

Money Love Languages

Understand your love language to empower your confidence with your money.

Module 2 | Finance & You

This second module is designed to empower you to implement impactful focus and principles to winning wealth strategies.

Topics Covered:


Create clarity and confidence around your money goals to hone in and create an action plan.

Money Phases

Explore the three phases of money that are designated to the phases of your life. 

Money Principles

Learn skills and strategies that will support you in elevating your confidence around money decisions. 

Module 3 | Faith & Financial Freedom

This third module is designed to help you define the purpose of your money. You will pave a path forward with knowledge of strategies for protection and preservation to create long term impact.

Topics Covered:

Prosperity Spending Plan

Develop budgets based on your current financial household that support prosperity in all areas of your life.

Retirement Wealth Planning

Learn about financial tools that aid the preparation of your retirement so that you feel confident about your options.

Understanding the 5 P's to Planning

Understand and learn how to apply all 5 P's to your money thinking, planning, and interacting. 

Module 4 | Review, Reflect, Repeat

This fourth module is dedicated to repetition of topics covered throughout the program to reinforce lasting retention and confidence. 

Topics Covered:

Next Level Breakthroughs 

Look back on all of the topics we have covered and experience new breakthroughs because of your evolution and new perspective.

Transformation Check-Ins

Reflect on your growth since the beginning of the program. Through transformation check-ins you are able to see the shifts in your mindset and tactical approach to money decisions. 

Group Accountability

This 4 week module includes an (optional) additional five months of group accountability. This portion of the program tends to create the most lasting results due to the community support and accountability for action taking.  



On The Spot Coaching

Rita uses each session as an opportunity to provide life changing breakthroughs through on the spot teaching moments. Come open minded and ready to experience transformation in the way you think, speak, and relate to your money.

Uplifting Community 

Community and Accountability are invaluable to your success. The Full Immersion you will provide you with a virtual community of like minded people, ready to level up their financial confidence and excited to receive the support that a community has to offer. 

Targeted Tools

In Full Immersion you will receive an a deep dive in all 4 phases of Rita's Coaching Program. You will be coached through specially designed areas of focus that include targeted tools and exercises to deepen your financial understanding and confidence. 

The Money Empowerment Movement Community

What Our Attendees Are Saying

Collette C. - Business Owner

"It helped me be open to learning new ways of looking at wealth and money, helped me be honest and vulnerable about what has been getting in my way, and connected me with a supportive group of people on the same journey."

Kim S. - Business Owner

“For once I feel like I have power over my money versus being a prisoner to it. I recognize that I have so much more to learn, but at least now I have a solid foundation and starting point. Thank you so much Rita for being an incredible teacher and sharing the wealth of knowledge!”

Jennifer C. - Business Owner

“It gave me the opportunity to adjust my mindset and create an actionable plan that was right for me and what my next steps are.”

Emely N. - Business Owner

“Rita’s program gave me the resources and the tools to feel confident with my money. It has been a life changer for me.”

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Burbank, CA 91506

Five Rings Financial

I chose to be a financial professional because I believe in the importance of financial literacy and empowerment. I wanted to help serve families and business owners in America, because I believe everyone deserves access to quality financial advice and resources, regardless of their income or background. That's why I offer a range of life insurance policies designed to provide the peace of mind you deserve. Let me guide you through the process of finding the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and budget!

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