I'm Rita Boccuzzi, lovingly known

as Mamma Rita Money

I am a Safe Money Expert, Coach and Speaker on a mission to Educate and Empower five million females and their families around money in the next five years. 

"It's Time To Achieve Your Financial Aspirations"

Let's take you to the next level so you can Flourish Financially.

My Commitment

Money Education and Empowerment are at the heart of everything I do. My passionate commitment is to Elevate the world around me by sharing a new, holistic approach to money that encompasses three key areas: Mindset, Skill set, and what I call "Heart set."

"An Empowered and Educated society, is an Elevated society."

Rita Boccuzzi

What I Do 

I make money education and empowerment as accessible as possible to all. I do this through one on one consulting, educational workshops, events and coaching programs. 

I believe that financial literacy should be accessible to everyone and ensure that there is always an opportunity for an action taker to make their first move. 

Events & Workshops

I host in person events all over Los Angeles County called Wine, Women & Wealth. 

This is a community of women who desire to take charge of their financial future, expand their knowledge, build their confidence regarding money and wealth and make meaningful connections. 
Wine, Women & Wealth is a nationwide community of women led by many of Five Ring Financial’s top female producers. 

Here are pictures from our events across Los Angeles!

Leveling Up Community

I create what I call "collateral goodness" by empowering individuals and communities through education. 

I have presented at conferences, summits, on panels, podcasts, and private events catered to businesses, networking groups, nonprofits and families. 

If you'd like me to come speak to your community, let's have a conversation!

Events & Workshops

In addition to Wine, Women & Wealth I also host a variety of virtual workshops and coaching programs that attract attendees from across the United States and abroad ranging from free to fee. 

It's No Secret to be Wealthy: Money 101

Money Masterclass

Money From The Heart 

Be Wealthy Challenge

Money Empowerment Coaching Programs

How I Create Impact

I have been a trusted friend, coach, and consultant to my clients for the last 15 years. 

Because of my passionate commitment to sharing money education and empowerment with the world around me,

I have been able to impact lives in the most beautiful of ways.

Here is a video of me with my dear friend and client, Portia.

Coaching Programs

See What's Coming

Onboarding Begins August 21st!

Interested in exploring Coaching options? Whether you'd like to simply "Dip Your Toes" or do a "Full Immersion" we have options for you for where you are right now!


What Clients Say

“The education I received is so valuable, not even for myself but for my family and future generations."

Ryan L.

Coaching Client

"Thank you Rita,

My family is secure and I am secure. These are things that I did not have before I met you!"

Ruth A.

Living Benefits Client

“For once I feel like I have

power over my money versus being a prisoner to it. Thank you so much Rita for being an incredible teacher and sharing the wealth of knowledge!”

Kim S.

Coaching Client

Services Offered

My expertise lies in helping my clients create a solid and sustainable financial foundation to build on into the future. This process starts with protecting what you already have . This means your income, retirement savings, home, or perhaps even your own business.Together, we'll pave your personal path towards achieving the financial future of your dreams.

Protect your family
Living Benefits

Protect your future
Tax-Free Retirement 

Protect your business
Business Planning

Protect your home
Mortgage Protection

Stay in the financial know with Rita

Don't miss our newsletter, live and online events, updates and more!

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1812 W. Burbank Blvd
Suite 400
Burbank, CA 91506

Five Rings Financial

I chose to be a financial professional because I believe in the importance of financial literacy and empowerment. I wanted to help serve families and business owners in America, because I believe everyone deserves access to quality financial advice and resources, regardless of their income or background. That's why I offer a range of life insurance policies designed to provide the peace of mind you deserve. Let me guide you through the process of finding the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and budget!

Quick Links

Mamma Rita Money

Five Rings Financial

All Rights Reserved. © 2023 by Alliance Group, LLC | The Living Benefits Leader | All Rights Reserved | Note: Not all products available in all states.

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